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1588 8983  | 
전화번호: 1588 8983
계좌번호:하나은행 201-910031-70804



OMEGA-FLO 2-Way High Pressure Solenoid Valves | SV3321

OMEGA-FLO 2-Way High Pressure Solenoid Valves

247,130원 SV3321

1 year warranty CE
  • Ideal for Compressed Air, Inert Gas, Water and Synthetic Oils
  • Maximum Pressure 1450 psi (100 bar)
  • Process Temperature to 182°C (360°F)
  • 8 W, AC Coils Standard, 12 Coil Available
밸브 - 관련 제품 보기


SV-3321 2-way solenoid valves are high pressure directacting valves featuring brass, stainless steel construction and PTFE seal material. The temperature range from -23 to 182°C (-10 to 360°F) is ideal for neutral media such as compressed air, inert gases, water, and synthetic oils. A strain-relief connector is supplied with each unit. A ½" conduit plug is also available.

Mounting Position: Any (preferably with solenoid system upright)
Maximum Process Temperature: 182°C (360°F)
Maximum Ambient Temperature: Coil dependent (See ratings on coils)
Voltage Tolerance: ±10%
Opening Time (msec): @ 10 to 20
Closing Time (msec): @ 20 to 30
Cycling Rate: Approximately 1000 cpm
Duty Cycle: Continuous (100%)
Coil Molding Material:
    Black Polyester (Class F): SV8COIL-115AC
    Black Polyamide (Class F): SV12COIL-120/60Hz
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제품 번호/Desc.
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배송: 5 주
Pipe Size¹/4", Orifice Size ³/64", Cv flow facter 0.07, Coil Watts 8W/12, Min psi 0, Max Operating psi differential; AC 1450, DC 1300 1450
모든 가격은 원화로 표시되어 있습니다.
참고: Comes complete with operator’s manual, 8 W coil and cable grip connector.
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